
Multi-channel Sale - not only one sales channel brings success - imaso society 02.11.2005


Thomas Geuder Bassl, Sales Director Retail adidas Salomon, Central Europe showed in his presentation at the 6th imaso society the complexity of multichannel sales.

Is it to be necessarily for different Shop kinds also different IT-systems? How can we operate the same Shop type in different countries and under different juridical systems? How can we support different price structures and articles with the same support?

Documentation (only in Germant)

pdf Multichannel Sale Begruessung 113.63 Kb


Presentation (only in German)

pdf Multichannel Sale Praesentation 927.65 Kb

pdf Multichannel Sale Fotos SHCS Berlin 1.70 Mb

pdf Multichannel Sale Fotos SPCS Stuttgart 778.21 Kb

pdf Multichannel Sale Fotos FO CHAM 4.43 Mb